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Why upgrade? Looks like they are mainly wanting to provide VPS hosting clients the same feature rich functionality of cPanel and WHM while helping to reduce memory usage by up to 60 percent for VPS accounts. Another nice perk about this newest version of cPanel is it will lower the costs hopefully for cPanel powered VPS hosting as right now most VPS customers have to pay the dedicated hosting license fees to use it. Also due to the earlier mentioned cut in memory usage, web hosts should be able to reach a higher account density per machine. So how can you lay your hands on it right now?
13 of My Favorite Hosting Interviews
Sun, 25 May 2008 13:43:41 +0000
Due to my PC being in bad shape, going to postpone recording this week. Do not freat though, because I hate to leave anybody empty handed. I have had a great collection of people on the podcast of the 3+ years. My question is, have you heard them all?
Here are some of my favorite interviews ...]
Hostican uptime for March 2008: 99.953% (over the Internet)
July/August 2004
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:30:06 -0400
![]() | Table of Contents Already a Reseller? Mad Cap Marketing Internet Crime Add-ons Add Up Windows or Linux? Sun and the Data Center |
February’s hostican uptime had been improved, and now its getting over 99.9% uptime. This hostican service uptime is monitored over the internet, not just server/network uptime only. The hostican server speed is quit good as well, with average response time of o.515 second waiting time.
Web Site Hosting and Optimization Tips
Thu, 06 Mar 2008 11:24:00 -0600
Find the best web site hosting, domain registration, search engine optimization tips tricks, tutorials and providers to help you create, host and manage your website or blog in an optimized and well monetized manner. Look to mytradedomain.com to guide you
Recently, the company upgraded all of its reseller hosting plans, with standard packages including thrice more monthly traffic allowance. The plans are offered to all new customers, and will be available to all existing customers for renewal.
We had put all our efforts to produce some respectable reading matter on web design software. We sure do wish it's respectable enough for you.

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